Camp Gan Izzy will run for 2 weeks this summer, at Chabad of Grass Valley's expanded grounds, with a field trip nearly every day.
Week 1: Monday, July 8 - Friday, July 12, 2024.
Week 2: Monday, July 15 - Friday, July 19, 2024.
9:30-3:00 PM
Camp Gan Izzy Fee:
$590 per child 6-13 years*
Mini Gan Izzy Fee:
$400 per child 3-4 years*
$475 per child 5 years
Please note: Age goes by the age your child will be on July 8, 2024.
Registration Fee:
$75 (includes camp t-shirt)
Additional admin charge for any registrations received after June 1st.
Fee includes camp t-shirt, trip admissions, hot lunches, snacks, busses and all activities for two weeks. Does not include late night trip or Shabbaton for the oldest bunk.
New Family Discount: please email Chyena for more details.
Sibling Discount: $50 off tuition for children 6-12 when registering two campers.
*We have been able to secure a few scholarships for children of low income families. Grants are on a first come first serve basis. Please email Chyena, the camp director, to apply for a scholarship.
Sample Camp Calendar from 2022. Trips and Activities vary every year.
We are so appreciative to Birthright Judaism, the Russian Jewish Community of SF Bay Area and Ezra USA for your support.